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- From: Josh Olaf <info@cydonia.org>
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Faces on Mars
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 16:45:19 -0700
- Organization: http://www.cydonia.org/
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <31C9E28F.260D@cydonia.org>
- References: <31BEEFFD.288D@fc.hp.com> <DsxI83.Bsn@aston.ac.uk> <maury-1906961727220001@news.iol.ie>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy:120968 alt.alien.research:26325 alt.paranet.ufo:53974 sci.skeptic:73083 alt.alien.visitors:88710 alt.conspiracy.area51:11356 alt.ufo.reports:9571
- Maury Markowitz wrote:
- >
- > In article <DsxI83.Bsn@aston.ac.uk>, spinkad@aston.ac.uk wrote:
- >
- > > It's probably just a coincidental rock formation anyway, unless maybe there
- > > was an ancient race living on Mars, and all they did was carve one rock
- > > into the shape of a face. Who needs any buildings or anything when you can
- > > have a rock in the shape of a face.
- >
- > Let alone the fact that they did leave one other carving, Kermit the
- > Frog. Yes, Kermit, as discovered by the Viking missions.
- >
- > Maury
- Since you know so much about these Viking missions, please provide the frame number
- of your Kermit the Frog image. We have yet to see an unedited version of this
- photograph.
- Thanks.
- Josh